Thursday, February 23, 2006


"Please know your list will be held in total confidence and given to no one."

So said Chairman Fred Niemann in his January announcement of a new initiative, billed as "the first of its kind in New Jersey".

It is now February and several County Committee members have complained of being spammed by unsolicited e-mails from What the committee members are wondering is, "How did the DiBella campaign get my e-mail address?"

How did they?


Some of the recipients of this spam are also on the County GOP e-mail list and are looking for answers. Are these e-mail addresses listed in some magic phone book that only DiBella campaign manager Brian Nelson has? Did some wizard give them the addresses? Some have alleged that (gasp!) Chairman Niemann and Executive Director Dan Gallic provided the addresses to the DiBella campaign.

But they wouldn't.

He said...

Niemann's January "initiative" was to ask those on the GOP e-mail list "to share your buddy list with us." In spite of his assurances of confidentiality, one has to question the sincerity of those assurances when they receive spam from DiBella.

Was Niemann sharing information with the DiBella campaign?

If so, is this same information available to DeSeno, Little, Kleinberg, McKenna or Antonucci?



Honest Abe said...

New poll at

Art Gallagher said...

Desparate people do desparate things.

Downtowner said...

This isn't surprising. Before Bill's election, he was passing out "bad lists" and hiding information. This is just a little different spin. Fred tries to stack the deck for DiBella so he makes things look fair. In the process, though, he makes it apprent they aren't.

So, how is Fred different than Bill again, Dan? Oh yeah...computers. That makes a BIG difference.

Honest Abe said...

Sharon Migliaccio said...
"Honest Abe, It appears you have lost some posts between yesterday and today....trouble with eblogger?"

No. I removed them. After the "Colleen" incident I went back over some old threads and removed a number of posts of a similar if not quite as vile nature. Mostly stuff on the Veitengruber (They usually spelled it "Vitengruber", or made fun of her name.) fixation genre. I also removed responses to these posts. I just got tired of the whole mess.
If it was any more recent posts, then I never even saw them. That could be Blogger. Sometimes things are lost. If any comment of yours was lost, please feel free to re-post.

"I wonder why the APP didn't report on the Recall DiBella petition being filed?"

Maybe the APP wants DiBella. A candidate coming right out of the box playing defense and in damage control mode can only help the Democrats.

"I heard there were also many calls about the replacement of 19 CC members in Howell. APP chose not to report that either.

I heard that too. I would hope Norine Kelly did that by the book. There needs to be either a vacancy or a resignation. The chairman cannot dismiss a committeeperson - regardless of how inactive or their standing in the organization. The resignation needs to be filed with the County Clerk, as well as the appointments to fill the slot. Oh, and it must be by a legal vote of the local committee.

"Why would the county want a Republican that will probably have to run for his Mayoral seat again in November and after all this nasty stuff is floating out there, threats, intimidation, lies, halftruths? Only to relive it in November?

Your guess is as good as mine.