Saturday, December 23, 2006


Great Op-ed piece today (January 3, '07) by Chairman Adam Puharic. And where is Barbara McMorrow on all this??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?????

The staff at the Asbury Park Depress reads the Monmouth County Republican Blog, it's true. We have it on good authority that star reporter Bob "The Bald Avenger" Cullinane himself logs on frequently.
Over a week ago, this blog reported on the impending relocation of the Matawan Motor Vehicle Agency, Rebecca Aaronson, agent, to Hazlet's Airport Plaza Strip Mall, County Democratic Boss Victor Scudiery, owner. Aaronson is also Scudiery's vice chairman.
This past Wednesday, the APP finally reported on the subject. Five days after we ran the story. Today (Dec. 23, '06), they ran another article and an editorial critical of the move.
What were they waiting for?


Art Gallagher said...

What were they waiting for?

Low readership days.

Honest Abe said...

That, and Hidlay probaly thought that if they didn't report it, it would just go away.
It's not going away.

Honest Abe said...

Howard Stern addressed...

"All of us at Sirus Satellite Radio would think that the Courier would want to do one of their outstanding journalistic reporting jobs on this issue."

I believe Purcell has something coming out in this week's issue on this issue.

paul smith addressed...

"as i previously stated,to the victors goes the spoils..."

No doubt, Paul. Depending upon the administration in Trenton, the MV Agent is either a Republican or Democratic political appointee. The issue here is not so much that Aaaronson is the agent (A Democrat, after all, was the agent before her.), the issue is that not only to the victors go the spoils, it is that to Victor goes the spoils. Most agencies remain for years, even decades, at the same location, regardless of politics or administration. Look at Eatontown. Now suddenly we have it fed to us that Airport Plaza, "coincidentally" owned by the County Democratic Boss, is the only uniquely qualified location for the agency? That's the part that stinks.
I'm glad Adam is making sure that it's not going away.