Saturday, October 28, 2006


This was originally part of the previous post. We separated it because we believe this issue to be important enough for its own post. HA

We found other things while surfing ELEC. One is that the Aberdeen, Hazlet and Middletown Democrats' reports all seem to be in the same handwriting, although they each have different treasurers. Weird I know. Also, of the ten Bayshore towns, six have not filed ELEC reports for their Democratic County Committee in years. They are Hazlet, Highlands, Holmdel, Keansburg, Keyport and Matawan. So a whole "cottage industry" of fundraising and spending could be going on, below ELEC's radar. In fact it is; sometimes it appears:

  • Hazlet: On Oct. 24, 2005 we have a $2,600.00 contribution from a "Democratic Club of Hazlet" to the local Dem campaign. No ELEC reports filed by this club, so we don't know how much money it has, or where it came from.
  • Keyport: On Oct. 14, 2005 the "Keyport Democratic Club" gave $5,000.00 to the local Democratic campaign. No ELEC report for that club, either.
  • Matawan: This one was a little involved to find, but we found it while looking for payments to Courier. The 2005 Democratic campaign closed out its accounts by contributing to a future 2008 local campaign. OK, it's legal, and there are ELEC reports for the '08 account. There aren't ELEC reports to be found for "Matawan Democrats", which received $500.00 from the 2008 campaign fund.
  • Middletown: There appears to be a "Middletown Democratic Social Club", with an address in Long Branch, which shows up on the Middletown Democratic Executive Committee's fourth quarter 2005 ELEC report with a $1,200.00 contribution on October 5. There are no ELEC reports for the Middletown Democratic Social Club.

Compliance with ELEC is very important. It appears however that the Monmouth County Democrats honor this mainly in the breach and otherwise take a very cavalier attitude. This was a survey of ten towns; certainly this behavior will show up elsewhere in the county; we'll be looking, too.

As part of his Ethical Roadmap, Monmouth County Republican Chairman Adam Puharic has established a Compliance Commission for the purpose of providing reference to local GOP organizations for compliance with Campaign Finance Laws. The Democrats ridicule this; they do so at their peril as they are frequently out of compliance.

This is not going away, Vic.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


On Monday we received a communication addressing a situation in Matawan. The writer alleged that for the second year in a row, Courier has appeared in driveways in Matawan, shortly before Election Day and featuring articles favorable to the local Democrats. The writer went on to say that the local Democrats should report this on their ELEC reports as an in-kind contribution.
Back in January, the Monmouth County Republican Blog reported that the Flynn - DaSaro losing 13th District Legislative Campaign was given an in - kind donation of $2,100.00 from Courier. This was promptly refuted by Courier publisher and sometime - Democrat Jim Purcell; the bill was finally paid to Courier.
While we knew that Courier doesn't do in - kinds (Purcell said!), we thought this did bear some research, and so we directed the Honest Abe Research Foundation to look into this. They went through the Democrats' 2005 ELEC reports of every Bayshore town, including Matawan, and found some interesting stuff.
  • Aberdeen: On Oct. 19 and Oct 21, 2005, the local Democratic Executive Committee made two payments of $960.00 each, totaling $1,920.00, to Courier for "Distribution". This was reported by the executive committee as an expenditure made on behalf of the Aberdeen Democratic campaign; the campaign failed to report this as an in - kind from the executive committee.
  • Atlantic Highlands: Nothing spectacular. The Dems buy advertisement in Courier, that's about it.
  • Hazlet: On a 48 - hour Report dated November 3, 2005, the Hazlet Democratic campaign reported paying $1,940.00 to Courier for "Ads and Paper Delivery". While they did file the 48 - hour report, the Hazlet Dems failed to file their 20 - Day Post - Election financial report. Their 11- day Pre - Election report closes with a balance of $6,230.00 and no expenditures whatsoever reported. While we know about the $1,940.00 paid to Courier, we don't know what they spent the other $4,290.00 on, or if they raised and spent more!
  • Highlands: Only 48 - hour reports filed listing contributions to the local Democratic campaign. No expenditures listed.
  • Holmdel: No Dem advertisements in Courier. No distribution or delivery of the paper.
  • Keansburg: Non - partisan elections.
  • Keyport: No advertisements by local Democrats or distribution reported. There was a $2,500.00 contribution from some Raritan Bay Leadership Fund, a New Brunswick - based PAC (Lynch?).
  • Matawan: No record of any payments by local Democrats to Courier.
  • Middletown: Their ELEC reports show many advertising bills in Courier, and Middletown Democrat boss Joe "King" Caliendo does advertise heavily in that paper. They do not, however, make mention of paying for paper delivery.
  • Union Beach: No campaign reports found. Nothing. (Did any Democrats even run there in '05?) Sworn statement filed for Dem County Committee.

Jim Purcell is a frequent visitor to this Blog and we hope he will explain this newspaper delivery matter.

Monday, October 23, 2006


A report in the Sunday Asbury Park Press is very telling with regards to the county Democrats. After bad publicity on their County Organization's failure to file ELEC reports, and then the Lenny Inzerillo matter and his withdrawal, you'd think they'd get a clue!
Democratic freeholder candidate J. Gregory Gibadlo, who is looking for tips, filed a report with ELEC stating that he plans to raise and spend no more than $3,500.00 for his race. In a countywide race.
More is raised in a town election; sometimes single contributions exceed $3,500.00!
Speaking of town elections, Highlands GOP council candidate Art Gallagher has blogged that the Highlands Democrats filed no ELEC reports for the October 10th reporting.
Let's look now at Democratic surrogate candidate Beverly Bova-Scarano, who has accepted contributions from convicted former Senate President John Lynch, Jr. Our candidate, Rosemarie Peters, points out the discovery of a mysterious 2002 campaign account, for which no ELEC reports were filed whatsoever!
These people sure are in disarray. Or are they? Some Republicans have alleged that the Democrats are keeping two sets of books. One for public viewing and a secret account? Imagine that.
Stay tuned. This is not going away.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


So far, it's been a quiet county campaign this year. As the Democratic candidates hone their skills at writing ELEC reports and concession speeches, Surrogate candidate Rosemarie Peters, Freeholder Anna C. Little and Freeholder candidate Andrew Lucas are working hard, meeting people and not taking victory for granted. Indeed, Anna has built a solid reputation as a no-nonsense reformer.
Something weird has been going on in, you guessed it, Howell.
A few weeks ago, we saw the withdrawal of the entire Democratic ticket in the township. This leaves in the field the Republican ticket of Deputy Mayor Pete Tobasco, Mauro Raccuglia and Ed Skibicki; and an Independent ticket led by Councilman Bob Walsh.
What's weird is that this is the second consecutive year that the Democrats have not run a ticket in Howell. Now, that would normally be the Democrats' problem, but the word "deal" has been thrown about here. Some have alleged that the Democrats never intended to field a slate in Howell, and that they would back the Independents.
Now, the Independent group in Howell appears at least in part to have originated as a faction within the local GOP that chose to skip the primary process and go right to the General Election. Indeed, a number of its supporters remain committed Republicans on the county level, attending such functions as Lincoln Day and The Affiliated. That would make a deal with the Dems less likely.
Why is this even relevant in a county blog? Howell is Monmouth County's largest municipality in land area, and is second only to Middletown in population and registered voters. It is an important town for county candidates to carry. We might win without Howell, but it sure helps to have it in our column.
So does the current situation help us or hurt us on the county level? Is the withdrawal en masse of the Democratic ticket part of a deal with the Independents, or just another in a series of Democratic fumbles in Monmouth County? Does it hurt the county Democrats not to have local candidates?
Your comments, please.

Friday, October 13, 2006

100,000 HITS!

The Monmouth County Republican Blog just turned
100,000 HITS!
Thank you for your continued support!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Former Middletown Mayor Raymond O'Grady was sentenced today to 43 months in federal prison. That's 3 years and 7 months.
This is a good thing, let this be an example to all public officials who may be tempted by corruption; at the same time we must have compassion for his family and all the other innocents affected by this case.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


There is a third political party here in Monmouth County: The Gannett. Their daily newspaper, The Asbury Park Press, ran a series of articles in Sunday's edition obviously timed to influence the upcoming election for freeholders. Gannett has an agenda, and that is to be a player on New Jersey's political stage. Influencing this election would clearly be a way to achieve their agenda.
The Press has been critical of the freeholders' 3 - 2 vote reappointment of Neptune City's Malcolm V. Carton back in August as County Counsel. Now, while the vast editorial staff here at the Monmouth County Republican Blog may have voted differently had they been on the board, it appears that the Press just doesn't like the gruff Carton and bases its opinions thusly. Lost in all this is the fact that Freeholder Anna C. Little voted against Carton's reappointment! Her running - mate, Andrew F. Lucas, isn't even on the board yet, making this issue moot as to this election.
Still, the Press attempts to drive the news, not just report it.
It is important in a free society to have a press vigilant to governmental abuse. But when that press goes beyond vigilance and slants its reporting to suit an agenda, just how free are we?
The Press has attempted to use the Carton reappointment as an issue to influence this year's election even though no freeholder running this year or next voted favorably on the reappointment.
In past articles, they attempted to paint rank & file county workers as political hacks, publishing names, salaries and overtime for all to see.
Their biased reporting in 2005 prompted a fact-laden response from then - Freeholder Director Thomas J. Powers.
As stated above, a free press protects us from government abuse. Operative word here being free. Sadly the Press (with a capital P), which as part of the Gannett empire holds a near monopoly on daily print media in Monmouth County, has been likened to a schoolyard bully. If you give the bully your lunch money in September, expect to give it up every day until June unless you fight back.
Our freeholders, beginning with Director Powers and continuing under Director Bill Barham, are fighting back. They are fighting back by doing what they believe to be right, and by not being cowed by the print media.
What can we do as Republican activists? County Chairman Adam Puharic said it very well in this week's Wireside Chat: Stick together.

And a stovepipe hat-tip to Bayshore Journalista for the "third political party" idea.