Is Camden County Amy Mallet's idea of "where Democrats are doing a better job governing than Republicans?" Gloucester? Middlesex?
Last month
Barry Goldwater wrote about county commissioner candidate
Amy "Hammerhead" Mallet and her campaign finances. The good senator raised some issues that should be of concern to all Republicans of good will.
So we directed the
Honest Abe Research Foundation to look into this matter in Hammerhead's
ELEC reports. It's scary enough to think it's still Halloween.
Amy is like a shark and a shark is fishy and so is Amy.
Going back to the 2003 primary campaign, when Mallet was running with Senate candidate Gordon Gemma, we find a number of out-of-county contributions, and not just any out-of-county contributions. Amongst the usual pack of labor unions and trial lawyers are several wheeled* contributions from other county Democratic organizations.
Here they are:
Burlington County Democratic Committee: A $7,200.00 contribution dated June 2, 2003.
Camden County Democratic Committee: This is The Big One, the home base of George Norcross himself. If Norcross is Brezhnev, Camden is Moscow. A $14,400.00 contribution, also dated June 2, 2003.
The Leaders Fund: A Democratic PAC based in Cherry Hill Township and led by former Camden County Democratic Chairman David A. Luthman. Luthman is an attorney with the Parker McCay Law Firm, which ios headed by Philip Norcross, a brother of George Norcross.. Cherry Hill Township is in Camden County. A $14,400.00 contribution, again dated June 2, 2003.
Among contributors to The Leaders Fund are developer Jack Morris with a February 24, 2003 contribution of $6,000.00 and his business partner Steve Goldin, who contributed $1,000.00 on the same day.
New Directions Through Responsible Leadership: Former Senate President John Lynch's PAC. A $14,400.00 contribution, dated June 10, 2003. Lynch will become eligible for release from federal prison on November 13, 2009. Contributors to New Directions include Willard of Jenkintown, PA, who apparently goes by only one name and contributed $2,500.00 on March 7, 2003. On that same date New Directions also received $7,200.00 from the Columbia Group, $7,200.00 from Edgewood Properties Inc., and $7,200.00 from Smith Street Properties Inc.
Monmouth Council of Democratic Leaders: A PAC connected to former Red Bank Mayor Edward McKenna and his sycophants, toadies and lackies. A $2,200.00 contribution dated June 15, 2003. Amy Mallet herself personally contributed $250.00 to this PAC on September 16, 2003, as did County Commissioner John "Flippy" D'Amico. That means that they support this PAC and think it's a good idea, campers.
Middlesex County Democratic Organization: These guys provided the Gemma-Mallet team with three in-kind contributions totaling $6,607.00, specifically they footed the bill for $515.00 in bus transportation, $342.00 for lunches (Lynch Lunch?☺), and $5,750.00 for GOTV walkers.
Gloucester County Democratic Executive Committee: If Camden is Moscow, Gloucester is St. Petersburg. Gloucester is the home base of State Senator Freeholder Director Steve Sweeney, a cog in the Norcross Machine. A $14,400.00 contribution, dated October 24, 2003.
Red Bank Democratic Municipal Committee: Surprisingly, this is actually within Monmouth County, but the Red Bank Dems are a vehicle for wheeling. The people that John Curley has been fighting. Three contributions totaling $59,900.00, including $19,400.00 on June 15, 2003, $26,100.00 undated and $14,400.00 on November 23, 2003. Imagine if your local GOP organization had that kind of bucks!
One would ask why would Hammerhead and Very Silent Glenn would run such a lightweight campaign. Where are their stands on the issues? I mean, it would appear that their platform is to ban the Colts Neck Historic House Tour, rename the Board of Chosen Freeholders and enact reforms already enacted by the Republican majority.
Looking at Amy Mallet's campaign finances, it's obvious. When politicians are light on ideas and heavy on dirty contributors, it's plain what they would do if elected: Exactly what they're told. Amy Mallet was financed in 2003 by urban political bosses who's political agendas are diametrically opposite to the interests of the good people of Monmouth County. They invested megamegamegabucks into her campaign, and only a primary at that. They would not do that if they didn't believe she was a dutiful soldier. And Very Silent Glenn? Well, he's just been, well, very silent.
Something else to think about. There are people out there who would vote for
fire ants if they were running on the Democratic ticket. Fortunately not a lot here in Monmouth County, but this year there are
ACORN - type groups (if not ACORN itself) working in several Monmouth County communities to register as many voters like that as possible. Possibly more than once, and possibly illegal aliens. With a Democrat in the Commissioner of Registration's office, we cannot count on these dubious registrations being culled. All these voters need to know is that a candidate is a Democrat.
It is important, then, to get out our vote to prevent a Democratic takeover of the Board of Chosen Freeholders. Tell your friends. Bring a friend or more than one friend to the polls with you on Tuesday.
*Of course, with the Democrats, like in a Lewis Carroll story, down is up and up is down and wheeling isn't wheeling, so I guess the money isn't really wheeled. Also like Lewis Carroll, when John Kennedy's presidential campaign was in 1960, Middletown Democratic Boss Joseph "King" Caliendo campaigned in the 1961 Kennedy campaign.