Art Gallagher of More Monmouth Musings has a great idea:
"We could use some of the old Tuzeneu spirit. The Monmouth County Board of Freeholders should declare February 4, the day that Corzine comes to Monmouth County, Ovid Tuzeneu Day and everyone should bring a toy axe to Marlboro High School to protest Corzine's crazy plan."
I hope the freeholders make such a proclamation. I also hope talk show host Jim Gearhart of New Jersey 101.5 picks up on the idea; there could be an Ovid Tuzeneu Day for all of the Bozo-coiffed Gov. Corzine's remaining appearances!
Notwithstanding, I'll start this show. Corzine's Town Hall Meeting will be from 7 to 9 PM at Marlboro High School, 95 North Main St. in Marlboro. Note: North Main St. is Route 79! (Nice try, Gov.) The high school is just south of Route 520. Even if you didn't make the RSVP to get into the meeting, a large outside gathering will be good for our cause.
Try to bring a toy axe. If you can't get one, cut one out of cardboard. No real axes, please! Let's make Corzine never forget Monmouth County. Let's have Ovid Tuzeneu's trusty axe be Old Monmouth's version of torches and pitchforks.
Participants be warn! Corzine has shown that he has no qualms about playing hardball here. You could get arrested. Hopefully there will be no problems. Remember, the police are not the problem here.
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