Wednesday, November 09, 2011


That's what the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders will be come January when Freeholder-elect Gary Rich takes his seat. He will replace the last Democrat Freeholder, Amy Mallet, who along with running mate Bill Shea was soundly defeated. Surrogate Rosemarie Peters was reelected by about a 22,000 vote margin.
The 2012 Board will initially consist of Robert Clifton, Lillian Burry (just reelected), John Curley, Thomas Arnone and Gary Rich. Rob Clifton will then leave the Freeholder Board to take his seat in the State Assembly, as Amy Handlin did in 2006.
By State Law, the Monmouth County Republican Committee must convene and select a replacement freeholder.
Our teams swept all the Monmouth Legislative districts, too.

11th District:
Senator Jen Beck - WON
Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande - WON
Assemblywoman mart Pat Angelini - WON

12th District:
Senator Elect Sam Thompson - WON
Assemblyman Ronald dancer - WON
Assemblyman Elect Rob Clifton - WON

13th District:
Senator Joe Kyrillos - WON
Assemblywoman Amy Handlin - WON
Assemblyman Declan O'Scanlon - WON

30th District:
Senator Bob Singer - WON
Assemblyman Elect Sean Kean - WON
Assemblyman dave Rible - WON

Tuesday, November 08, 2011


Ready for the labor bucks? We thought so.
It's really not a lot this year (so far), but more will probably be reported after the election. Lately the Democrats have been trying to make their ELEC filings as complicated as possible, what with multiple accounts and whatnot.

Under the Monmouth County Democrats account, we only have a contribution from the Monmouth - Ocean Central Labor Council in the amount of $275.00 dated August 23, and Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 9 dated August 31 for $1,000.00. Both these unions have been known to contribute to both parties.

William Shea for Freeholder has more. They do not appear on Freeholder Amy Mallet's report or the Joint Campaign account report.

7/15/11 - IBEW Local 400, $1,500.00.
7/18/11 - Monmouth & Ocean Building & Construction Trades Council, $500.00.
7/21/11 - Plumbers Local 900, $1,000.00.
7/26/11 - Sheet Metal Workers Local 27, $500.00.
8/1/11 - Amalgamated Transit Union, $500.00.
8/4/11 - Insulators & Allied Works Local 89, $350.00.
8/10/11 - ATU NY COPE Fund, $2,600.00.
10/16/11 - IBEW Local 400, $500.00.
11/6/11 - NJEA, $1,250.00.

Again, these numbers seem pretty low campared to past years. As in the past however, it is notable that none of these unions are county public employee unions so it raises the question as to their interest in a Freeholder campaign in the first place. Knowing Mallet's past associations with South Jersey Democrat boss George Norcross and his lieutenant Steve Sweeney, we believe it all fits in.

Thursday, November 03, 2011


Is Union County the Democrats' idea of "where Democrats are doing a better job governing than Republicans?"
We've been monitoring the Monmouth County Democrats ELEC Reports and sure enough, they are getting some big bucks wheeled in from their Union County bosses.* The Democrats have been very coy with their filings, with separate filings for County Commissioner (neé Freeholder) candidates Amy Mallet and Bill Shea and Surrogate Candidate Michael Steinhorn, as well as a joint Mallet-Shea account. They try to hide behind sworn statements for the candidates and run the show out of the Monmouth County Democrats account. Most of these are from the Monmouth County Democrats account, except for that from Joseph Cryan, who contributed directly to Friends of Freeholder Mallet.
The Dems are obviously utterly unfazed by criticism of their wheeling. It's just what they do.
Checking the 48 hour reports, we find big bucks from two out of three 20th District (Union County) legislators. On October 26 the Assemblywoman Annette Quijano Election Fund contributed $5,000.00. Two days later, on October 28, the Election Fund of Senator Raymond J. Lesniak contributed $10,000.00. The third representative from that district, rootin' tootin' double-dippin' Undersheriff/Assemblyman Joseph Cryan, made his $1,000.00 contribution directly to Amy Mallet's campaign on September 18. Quijano's predecessor, child-porn impressario Neil Cohen has contributed to legislative races in the past.
Union County's neighbor to the north, Essex, has also shown its generosity through the largess of Assembly Speaker Sheila Y. Oliver (D-34). On April 12 the Committee to Elect Sheila Oliver gave $1,000.00 and on July 7 she ponied up another $500.00.
Between Union and Monmouth Counties lies Middlesex, always fertile ground for wheeled bucks. On July 8 the mysterious Sayreville-based Democracy in Motion PAC contributed $5,000.00; they gave another $10,000.00 on September 15. This contributor first appeared here in 2009. Also from Sayreville is 19th District Assemblyman John S. Wisniewski; on February 10 the Election Fund of John S. Wisniewski contributed $1,000.00 and another $2,500.00 on September 15.
This is what has surfaced so far. Certainly more will come to light after the election. Meanwhile, we will be delving into their Big Labor contributions.

*Of course, with the Democrats, down is up and up is down and wheeling isn't wheeling, so I guess the money isn't really wheeled. Or something.